Super nutrient Chlorella

Super nutrient Chlorella


Chlorella is a single-celled, freshwater alga, native to Taiwan and Japan. It is naturally rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. Chlorella is super nutrient: containing 50-60% amino acid content, ideal nutrient for vegetarians, and has the most easily absorbed and utilized form of B12, B6, minerals, chlorophyll, beta carotene.


Here are 5 key benefits of taking chlorella


Helps Get Rid of Toxins


Keeps Your Immune System Strong


Boosts Your Brain Power

Eases Digestion Issues

Promotes a Healthy Liver

3 Food to detoxify your liver

3 foods to help you detoxify your liver.


Are you tired all the time? Are you struggling with your digestive health?  Are you extra sensitive to perfumes, smells and bright lights? Do you have skin problems? Are you finding it hard to lose body fat? If the answer is YES to any of these questions, this could be a sign that your liver is overloaded and you need to detoxify.

The liver is a detoxifying organ and has over 500 functions in the body. Consequently, your liver is constantly ridding your body of waste, metabolizing hormones, and assisting in digestion

The liver is impacted by everything you come in contact with. It works extremely hard to detoxify chemicals and carcinogens naturally.

Toxins can be found in the food we eat, our environment, household cleaning products, carpet and furniture. Our bodies are in a constant state of toxic overload which means you really need to detoxify every day.


Detoxification of the liver is about resting, cleaning, and nourishing the body from the inside out. By eliminating toxins and nourishing your body, detoxification can help protect you from disease, kickstart digestion, improve energy levels, shed unwanted kilos and renew your ability to maintain optimal health.


There are numerous ways to gently and safely detoxify our bodies.  Eating more herbs, drinking adequate amounts of filtered water daily, consuming more supplements such as magnesium, milk thistle, eating clean organic whole foods are all things we can incorporate into our daily lives.

To make the detoxification process easier avoid tea, coffee, alcohol, sugar, gluten and processed foods


The liver is your main detoxifying centre, it is important to eat foods that optimize the health of the liver and supply you with many of the vitamins and minerals.


Citrus Fruits

Lemons, limes and grapefruits are all natural sources of Vitamin C and contain many potent antioxidants. Citrus fruits have the ability to boost the production of liver detoxification enzymes.



Broccoli is a food that contains sulfur compounds that help to support the detoxification process and the health of the liver.  This fibrous vegetable can help flush out toxins from your gut and they contain compounds that help support the liver in metabolizing hormones.


Green Leafy Vegetables

These leafy greens such as spinach, rocket, cabbage, lettuce contain numerous cleansing compounds that neutralize heavy metals, which can slow down the liver’s ability to detoxify. Plus, they help to stimulate bile flow.


Sleep Meditation

Sleep Meditation for a better nights sleep.


Falling asleep and staying asleep is most frustrating and not ideal for our health. No matter what you do you can't fall asleep. Your mind keeps racing thinking about the next day ahead making it even harder to fall asleep.

SLEEP MEDITATION could be the answer to getting a better night's sleep.

Sleep Meditation can help prepare your body and mind for a restful night. It can help you relax, forgetting the worries and stressors of the day and allowing your mind to just let go.

Nothing beats a good night's sleep!

Read here to learn about sleep:

Immune Boosting Vitamin C

Immune Boosting Vitamin C

Foods high in Vitamin C are Kale, parsley, kiwi fruit, broccoli, lemons, strawberries, oranges- buy organic

Vitamin C is vital for your immune system, connective tissue and heart and blood vessel health, among many other important roles.

Supplementing Vitamin C boosts the immune system to help fight off and reduce the severity of nasty colds and flus.

 It also reduces the severity of allergies, assists in wound healing, reduces muscle soreness,

 promotes healthy bones, teeth, skin  and is a powerful antioxidant.


Get Vitamin Extra C 100g Powder or 60 tablets here at Jack & Hill Studio for $29.95.

Calorie restriction extends health in humans

Decades of research has shown that limits on calorie intake by flies, worms, and mice can enhance life span in laboratory conditions. A study by Yale university confirms the health benefits of moderate calorie restrictions in humans -- and identifies a key protein that could be harnessed to extend health in humans.

The study that shows a simple reduction in calories, and no specific diet, has a remarkable effect in terms of biology and shifting the immune-metabolic state in a direction that's protective of human health.

Checkout the full article:


Water is vital for life. It is a natural resource that is required by every person to help satisfy our health requirements such as our body composition, mental focus, sleep and recovery.

Water makes up about 75% of your body and 85% of brain tissue so it makes good sense to stay hydrated with good quality drinking water. Every enzyme action and chemical reaction in your body is reliant upon water. Water also plays a key role to maintain a stable environment inside and around our cells allowing us to acquire sufficient nutrition and aiding elimination of waste in our cells.

Water regulates internal body temperature and through the process of sweat production and evaporation, the body can avoid overheating. The blood on the skin surface is cooled and it carries this cooling effect to the body’s interior. Water also lubricates joints and cushions vital organs.

Water helps energize your muscles. Cells that don't maintain their balance of fluids and electrolytes shrivel, which can result in muscle fatigue. When muscle cells don't have adequate water, they don't work as well and performance can suffer.

Your brain is sensitive to water loss and the brain shows signs of malfunction with as little as 1% loss of water. Having a dry mouth is one of the key signs of dehydration. When you are dehydrated your body is already under stress.

To maintain optimal body weight, performance and energy levels you must drink 1litre of water for every 30 kilograms of your body weight each day. If you weigh 60kg then drinking 2 litres of water per day is ideal.

Water should be filtered by either using a house filtration system or by merely buying a jug with a water filter. Brita ( offer a number of easy options for filtering water. Filtering your water will minimize heavy metals, chlorine and other waterborne toxins. I am sure you will find the taste much better.

Water should ideally have  hardness factor of 170mg/l or greater and a Total Dissolved Solids of 300. A very simple way of improving the hardness of your water within an acceptable range is to add a pinch of unprocessed sea salt or a bit of clay to your water.  A pinch of unprocessed sea salt added to each litre of water also provides electrolytes and balances water levels inside and outside the cells.

What Is the Role of Physical Activity in Promoting Longevity?

What Is the Role of Physical Activity in Promoting Longevity?

A study by Lieberman et al. incorporate what’s now known about the difference between “healthspan” (i.e., years of healthy life) and “lifespan” (i.e., years of life, healthy or not) to suggest that, more than burning calories, “the stresses of Physical Activity stimulate investments in health-span preserving somatic repair and maintenance processes that are activated less in the absence of Physical Activity.”

To understand this, think now about the kinds of damage you may do to your body when you exercise. You might get some muscular aches and pains, you feel physically a bit tired, you have to breathe heavier, temporarily you raise your heart rate and blood pressure.

This kind of “damage,” according to the 2021 study by Lieberman et al, actually helps contribute to physical activity effect on your health span and lifespan. Your body has to do something to repair the damage, which can include restocking your depleted energy, producing antioxidants, clearing away harmful waste products of metabolism, reducing inflammation, and getting your nervous system to turn down some of that autonomic (e.g., breathing rate control) activation. The other changes in your body that occur after you exercise directly promote the growth of muscle tissue and bone strength.

When people aren’t active, their bodies don’t engage in those health span-promoting repair and maintenance activities and they suffer changes such as loss of muscle mass. Older individuals then become weaker and less able to perform the kinds of exercise that would keep those muscles stressed and toned. Once people begin to engage in physical activity, there’s substantial evidence to show that many previously lost functions can be regained.


In the perfect world you want allocate some piece of your day to devote to even the minimum of 10 to 20 minutes of some form of organized exercise. However if you’re truly doing plenty of walking, running, and lifting weight (including those children), you’re still better off than if you were a completely sedentary couch potato. If you are busy and aren’t we all, then here are some more incidental physical activities to incorporate into your day:


Walk to get your groceries

Take the stairs if you can

Park the car further away from work and walk

Take the train and get off a station early and walk to your destination

Park in the furthest carpark at a shopping centre park.

Get a standing desk- standing more is good physical activity because when you are standing you are burning more calories

Clean the house

Wash the car

Play with your kids- kick or throw a ball to them.


If you are struggling with getting enough physical activity into your day and need support with a personalised exercise program please don’t hesitate to call me on 0411553804 or



Get More Omega 3 in your diet

Humans evolved on a diet that had an Omega 3 to Omega 6 ratio of 1:1. Sadly, nowadays we tend to opt for convenience foods so often that we end up consuming far more Omega 6 than Omega 3.

Excessive amounts of Omega 6, as well as high Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratio, are known to be linked to many diseases, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.

In order to balance the Omega 3 to Omega 6 ratio, we need to focus on reducing Omega 6 rich foods, but most importantly introducing more Omega 3 rich foods to our meals.

Here is a nice list of some foods rich in Omega 3

Why I keep banging on about proper breathing

Why I keep banging on about proper breathing

In my experience a large percentage of the population are mouth breathers. There are a number of factors that can potentially cause this: food allergies, chronic mental and emotional stress, caffeine and alcohol just to name a few.

Practicing breathing through your nose is one of the easiest and most beneficial things you can do for the overall health of your body and for your longevity.

Why mouth breathing is not such a good things for someone's health

Breathing should be ideally passive and with little effort. We should not hear or notice someone breathing. Breathing heavily causes blood vessels to constrict. This is one reason why mouth breathers are tired a lot of the time.

There is less delivery of Oxygen in mouth breathing

Carbon Dioxide is key for how Oxygen gets released from red blood cells into our tissues and our organs. When you breathe heavily you lose CO2, which results in O2 sticking to thehemoglobin and not getting released. Basically the heavier you are breathing the less Oxygen is getting released.

With this heavy breathing also comes a vasoconstrictive effect and up to a 50% restriction of our blood flow up to our brain.- not ideal.

Your nose is the only organ that prepares you to breathe properly. When we breathe through our mouths it can lead to chronic hyperventilation, reduced blood circulation, lowering of Carbon Dioxide levels, and vasoconstriction of our airways! Chronic mouth breathing will have potentially detrimental effects on overall health such as sleep apnea,high blood pressure, heart disease, asthma and allergies.

Nasal breathing produces nitric oxide. Enzymes have been found in the nose and in the paranasal sinuses that produce Nitric Oxide. Nitric Oxide levels in the sinuses are even much higher than what is produced in the nose. These findings show that the main site for Nitric Oxide production is the paranasal sinuses. (Lundberg et al 1995).

What are the benefits of producing Nitric Oxide:

Defends the immune system: destruction of viruses and parasitic organisms  Studies indicate that Nitric Oxide may also help to reduce respiratory tract infection by inactivating viruses and inhibiting their replication in epithelial cells.(Martel. et al 2020)

Promotes a healthy digestive tract by regulating the secretion of digestive hormones and enzymes

As a vasodilator it decreases blood pressure and improves blood flow to the organs

Anti-inflammatory action in the arteries
Improved energy with better oxygen delivery

Enhances memory and learning.

Prevents blood clotting and obstructions in the arteries

Sit or stand with good posture try 3-4 sets of 12 nasal breathes each day for better health and vitality

Take more steps and live longer

Taking more steps per day, either all at once or in shorter spurts, may help you live longer, according to preliminary research to be presented at the American Heart Association's Epidemiology, Prevention, Lifestyle & Cardiometabolic Health Conference 2021.

Regular walking is one of the safest and easiest ways you can do for your health. Increasing your physical activity from as little as 10 minutes a day to the Australian Government's recommended 30 to 45 minutes a day, five or more days of the week can help reduce your risk of heart disease and heart attacks.

A longitudinal study from 2011-2015, 16,732 women wore a waist step counter that measured their daily steps and walking patterns for four to seven days. The women were all over age 60 and were participants in the Women's Health Study, a large, national study of heart disease, cancer and other long-term disease prevention.

The researchers divided the total number of steps for each study participant into two groups: Group 1 was 10 minutes or longer bouts of walking with few interruptions; and Group 2 was short spurts of walking during regular daily activities such as housework, taking the stairs, or walking to or from a car. In follow-up, they tracked deaths from any cause for an average of six years, through December 31, 2019.

Researchers found:

  • Overall, 804 deaths occurred during the entire study period of 2011-2019.

  • Study participants who took more steps in short spurts lived longer, regardless of how many steps they had in longer, uninterrupted bouts. The benefits levelled off at about 4,500 steps per day in short spurts.

  • Compared to no daily steps, each initial increase of 1,000 steps per day was associated with a 28% decrease in death during the follow-up period.

  • A 32% decrease in death was noted in participants who took more than 2,000 steps daily in uninterrupted bouts.

A prior analysis of the same women reported that those who took 4,500 steps per day had a significantly lower risk of death compared to the least active women.

What are you waiting for, get out there and start stepping!


The Benefits of Exercise

1. Exercise helps your brain

Exercise is linked to less depression, better memory and quicker learning. Studies also suggest that exercise is, as of now, the best way to prevent or delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.

Exercise improves blood flow to the brain, feeding the growth of new blood vessels and even new brain cells, thanks to the protein BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor). BDNF triggers the growth of new neurons and helps repair and protect brain cells from degeneration. It may also help people focus better on tasks, according to recent research.

2. Exercise makes you happier

Countless studies show that many types of exercise, from walking to cycling, and strength training make people feel better and can even relieve symptoms of depression. Exercise triggers the release of chemicals in the brain—serotonin, norepinephrine, endorphins, dopamine—that dull pain, lighten mood and relieve stress. The psychological benefits are outstanding!

3. It slows the aging process

Exercise has been shown to lengthen lifespan by as much as five years. A study in the Journal Sciences Advances suggests that moderate-intensity exercise may slow down the aging of cells. As humans get older and their cells divide over and over again, their telomeres—the protective caps on the end of chromosomes—get shorter. To see how exercise affects telomeres, researchers took a muscle biopsy and blood samples from 10 healthy people before and after a 45-minute ride on a stationary bicycle. They found that exercise increased levels of a molecule that protects telomeres, ultimately slowing how quickly they shorten over time. Exercise, then, appears to slow aging at the cellular level.

4. Your skin will look better.

Aerobic exercise revs up blood flow to the skin, delivering oxygen and nutrients that improve skin health and even help wounds heal faster. If people get injured, they should get moving as quickly as possible so there’s good blood flow to the skin which accelerates the healing of the injury.  Train long enough, and you’ll add more blood vessels and tiny capillaries to the skin too.

5. Less is more with amazing benefits

Emerging research suggests that it doesn’t take much movement to get the benefits. A  10-minute workout could be, compared to the typical 50-minute, could be just as effective. A recent three month study consisted of three exhausting 20-second intervals of all-out, hard-as-you-can exercise, followed by brief recoveries of 3 minutes each. The short workout  was compared against the standard one (50 minutes) to see which was better. Amazingly the workouts resulted in identical improvements in heart function and blood-sugar control, even though one workout was five times longer than the other.

6. Reduce Fat cells

The body uses both carbohydrates and fats as energy sources. After consistent aerobic exercise training, the body gets better at burning fat, which requires a lot of oxygen to convert it into energy. One of the benefits of exercise training is that our cardiovascular system gets stronger and better at delivering oxygen, so we are able to metabolize more fat as an energy source.

Boost your immune health with Vitamin D

Boost your immune health with Vitamin D

According to the American Clinical Journal of Nutrition Vitamin D deficiency is a global health problem. Over a billion people worldwide are vitamin D deficient or insufficient. Vitamin D3 supports both bone and immune health. The body of research on the benefits of Vitamin D is rapidly increasing. Many studies suggest that vitamin D may decrease risk for many diseases and conditions including certain types of cancer, multiple sclerosis, hypertension, inflammation, diabetes and more. Some studies also suggest the D3 is important in foetal development, weight loss, colon health and longevity. While scientists refer to vitamin D as a vitamin, it is actually a steroid hormone obtained from sun exposure, food sources, and supplementation. Common types of vitamin D are vitamin D2 and D3. Compared to D2, vitamin D3 is 87 percent more effective, and is the preferred form for addressing insufficient levels of vitamin D. Ample sunlight exposure(without burning your skin) is your main source of vitamin D, as the sun provides beneficial UVB wavelengths that are needed to optimize your levels. It is very, very important to have your blood levels of vitamin D tested before and during supplementation. Ideal therapeutic levels of vitamin D you’ll want to reach and maintain are 50-70nl/mg There is a risk of overdosing on a vitamin D supplement that doesn’t exist with natural sun exposure, as your body simply stops producing vitamin D to prevent this. You need to consciously keep your vitamin D levels within the healthy range through regular vitamin D blood tests, and have your dosage adjusted accordingly. As a guideline Adults should take 35UI per kilo of body weight. The response to vitamin D is dependent on body weight. People that weigh more will need more vitamin D dosage than people who weigh less. There is no way to know if the above recommendations are correct for you personally, as they are only guidelines. The only way to know is to test your blood. You might need four to five times the amount recommended above. Give your immune system a boost with Vitamin D3! amount recommended above. Give your immune system a boost with Vitamin D3!

Are you getting enough Zinc?

Are you getting enough Zinc?

You can improve both your health and immunity by getting enough zinc in your diet..

A study by Prasad 2009 reveals that zinc deficiency affects nearly 2 billion people worldwide and its prevention will have a great impact on human health. The numerous effects of zinc deficiency in the elderly are well documented. Deficiency may result in impaired immunity, which will lead to an increased risk of infectious disease (Bogden et al.,1994).

Zinc deficiency has been causally linked to a wide range of medical conditions including metabolic syndrome, diabetes, cardiovascular disease.

Zinc is an antioxidant.

Zinc supplementation in the elderly decreased oxidative stress and decreased generation of inflammatory cytokines. (Prasad  2009)

Low testosterone
Low levels of testosterone can be directly linked to zinc deficiency. The conclusion of a study by (Ali, Chen & He 1997) indicated that zinc deficiency can seriously affect exercise capacity and testosterone synthesis. The serum testosterone and zinc levels can be affected by nutritional status of zinc. Increasing your zinc intake for men and women can improve testosterone levels and growth hormone in the body.

You can get zinc from meat, poultry or fish, oysters, nuts, seeds, green leafy vegetables..and /or  a good quality supplement.

However, it is wise to check your zinc levels before you start popping supplements.

An easy way is buy a liquid Zinc Test( a solution designed to determine your Zinc levels using a simple taste test)..If you like I can organise for you to be tested as I have the test at the studio!

With Low testosterone the key symptoms  can be of loss of energy, drive, libido and impaired erectile function, there is often depression, memory loss and increased irritability which can impair work, home and social life.

Don’t just think Men have testosterone... women need a certain level too.. just check your belly of your triceps.. if there is excess body fat on your triceps.. it may be an indication you are low on Testosterone

Build Muscle

Remember you need adequate levels of testosterone to build muscle!

Zinc is important for protein synthesis. If you are zinc deficient it will be hard to build muscle!

Zinc and Pregnancy

Zinc is believed to be important for fetal growth, development, and immune function. (Dheeraj &. Sachdev,2006.)

Zinc and Prostate Health

Zinc and selenium are essential elements for male reproductive function. Epidemiological studies and randomised intervention trials suggest that the risk of prostate cancer in men can be  reduced by an increased intake of Selenium or Zinc (Pizent 2008) (van Wijngaarden, 2008)

Given the literature and evident Zinc is an important mineral you cannot afford to be without or deficient in.. you can get your ZINC tested and Zinc supplements at Jack & Hill Studio from $19.95

Also available in tablet and powdered form.

Try Whey proten

Get yourself some great tasting, high quality, pure as the driven snow undenatured Whey Protein

The whey is from NZ Pasture Fed Cows

No artificial colours, sweeteners or fillers

Helps lower blood pressure.

Aids growth & repair, recovery of muscle Tissue

Ideal for a healthy snack on the run (just add water and shake)

Promotes Weight loss and keeps you fuller for longer.

Speeds up recovery after a workout

Natural sweetener added so it is delicious tasting.

A number of delicious flavours to choose from: Cacao, Natural, Vanilla, Cinnamon, Cacao Mint


Available from the Jack & Hill Studio, 1kg from just $54.00.

Feel great and practice the Health Foundation Principles

Health Foundation Principles

The key to robust health is to consistently practice the 6 Heath Foundation Principles



The thoughts in your mind can help to manifest the life of your dreams and goals, or draw you closer to your greatest fears. Your thoughts have power! Your thoughts have power to change your physiology and control virtually all of your body's functions from hormones to digestion to feeling happy, sad, or stressed.


Breathing is your body’s fuel and nourishment. This all important delivery of oxygen affects your daily tasks, your intense physical activities and your emotional stress. Diaphragmatic breathing improves lung capacity and increases oxygenation of the red blood cells.

Our breathing often becomes inverted because of too much stress, sugar, caffeine, artificial colours and preservatives in processed foods. Poor breathing mechanics can be attributed to poor posture and many physical ailments.

Did you know the way in which we breathe affects which part of our nervous system we're stimulating?

Poor breathing stimulates our sympathetic nervous system which is great to utilise if we're running away from a lion but not so great if we're going about our day to day activities. Diaphragmatic breathing helps you shift your nervous system into a more rest/ digest state.


It is essential you maintain proper hydration throughout the day by drinking clean filtered water.

Drink 0.033 x your body weight of clean filtered water per day to optimize energy levels and maintain optimal body weight. Add a pinch of unprocessed sea salt to every litre of water to help with electrolyte balance.
Dehydration negatively affects your cognitive/ brain function, energy levels and your body is under a lot more stress. All bodily processes occur in water. Drinking enough good quality drinking water means better absorption, increased metabolism and better elimination of waste.

Food Quality and Quantity

To build a good body, optimize your health and energy levels, you need quality materials. You are only made of the materials you put into your body. Eat organic food whenever possible. Organic food (meats, fruit and vegetables) are without herbicides and pesticides and can be up to 40 times more nutrient dense than non organic foods.

A basic philosophy and a good place to start is:

  1. Eating moderate amounts of protein (grass fed, biodynamic/organic) which includes chicken, lamb, beef, fish and organic pastured eggs. This could mean eating 1g-1.3g of protein per 1kg of lean muscle tissue per day depending on the work you do, training and lifestyle.

  2. increasing good fats (coconut oil, plain butter, activated nuts, avocados, extra virgin olive oil)

  3. Eat Raw unprocessed dairy.

  4. Increasing vegetables and small fruits (blue berries)

  5. Decreasing or eliminating refined carbohydrate and high starch foods (breads, crackers, cakes, cereals and pastas)

  6. Decrease or eliminate sugar containing foods.

Consistently practicing these nutrition principles will manage insulin levels and allow you to start using stored fat as an energy source meaning better fat loss and health for you.

Flexibility increases the range of motion in your joints and helps you move freely.

Everybody needs some level of flexibility to go about daily life without feeling tight, uncomfortable and getting injured.

Stretching the correct muscles helps bring the body into balance and improves your posture. Stretching properly reenergizes/improves chi flow (energy) to your body.

Aerobic conditioning (walking, jogging, swimming, cycling) improves efficiency of your heart and lungs and therefore improving fitness. 30 minutes three times per week is optimal. If you are pushed for time it's better, you get your heart rate up when doing your conditioning. The human body is just like a car the harder you push the pedal the more fuel/calories you will burn. Change your aerobic conditioning program regularly because your body adapts quickly to aerobic exercise. Keep the body guessing.

Strength training is a very effective way to decrease your body fat and change the shape/ tone of your body. Lifting free weights (dumbbells and barbells), exercises involving Swiss balls and body weight exercises are classified as strength training exercises.

Strength training increases your metabolic rate for up to four hours after you have finished your workout that means you are actually burning fat while you are sitting down or going about your daily activities.


Get to bed by 10 pm. Earlier is better. We are just like our sun driven ancestors. We should be in bed within 3 hours of sunset and rise with the sun. Sleep helps with both your physical and mental repair. Sleep is important to aid our recovery from day to day and between training sessions. If we don’t get enough sleep then our nervous system becomes progressively stressed and our nervous system controls our immune system.



Getting Back into Fitness

If you've taken some time off from your health and fitness routine whether because of illness or injury — or if life simply got in the way over Christmas and New Year — you might feel somewhat overwhelmed about getting back into the swing of things.

It can feel frustrating to get your body and your mind used to the regular workout routine and get your eating habits back on track after a long break.

Here are some tips to get back your health and fitness back on track

Start out small but start!

Many people adopt an "all or nothing" attitude with fitness, my advice is that every little bit counts. So you'll want to start small — add just 10-15 minutes a day, or take little steps to be more active throughout the day. Easy ways to incorporate fitness into your daily routine include parking your car far away and getting in some extra steps, taking the stairs whenever possible, going for a stroll after a meal or it could also be as simple as getting up and walking to a coworker’s desk to chat instead of sending them an email, or taking a five-minute break to stretch your legs.

When getting back into a fitness routine, you may be tempted to overhaul your eating habits. Oftentimes, people tend to fixate on making too many changes at once.

Focus on one thing at a time.

Pick 1 or maybe 2 things you feel comfortable changing about your nutrition. Could you drink more water?, reduce your alcohol intake or reduce the size of your meals in the evening? Could you reduce the amount of processed food you are eating? Making a couple of simple tweaks to your nutrition can make a big difference.

Make sure you get enough sleep
Just as you should schedule rest days and listen to your body when it comes to your workouts, you'll also want to prioritize consistently getting enough sleep.

Sticking to a regular sleep schedule, avoiding alcohol, caffeine and heavy meals too close to bedtime, keeping your bedroom a comfortable temperature, putting your electronic devices away will help you get the restorative slumber your body needs to heal and refuel.

Do something you enjoy!

If you are exercising make sure you enjoy what you are doing. If you get some enjoyment you are more likely to stick with that activity.

There's a workout out there for everyone, whether you prefer joining a friend for a fitness class or going on a solo walk. You could also try swimming, riding your bike, jogging, yoga, and lifting weights.

An ideal workout will involve a solid balance of flexibility training, aerobic and strength training. There are many different ways to incorporate those into a routine that works for you and makes you excited to sweat.

If you have a routine that works, schedule rest days and stick to them.

Even trained athletes schedule regular rest days, Rest is very important! It might feel like you're delaying your progress or slowing down your gains, taking time to get enough rest is crucial for anyone, no matter your fitness level.
When you take a day off your body doesn't. It's actually working very hard to repair and replenish itself after all the work you put it through. You are actually getting stronger and fitter on the rest days.

Remember your "why". It is great to write down your health and fitness goals. It is even better if you write down why your health and fitness goals are important to you.

Remind yourself of your why often. It helps with maintaining motivation.

Ask, ‘why do I want to be fit and healthy?’ It really has to be focused on things that are really meaningful for you as the individual and finding your right why.” For example: "it is important to maintain a consistent exercise routine because I sleep better, have more confidence, energy and it helps me manage stress"

Boost immunity

One of the best way to reduce your chances of succumbing to a viral illness is focusing on building a healthy immune system by limiting inflammation.

Some immune-boosting practices include:
-Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables (minimum four servings per day of each)
-Getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night.
-Drinking adequate fluids ( clean filtered water)
-Getting regular exercise/activity
-Get your Vitamin D levels checked. Adequate Vitamin D boost immunity.
- Avoid Alcohol or reduce your intake.

If I can be of service let me know! I am a man of the people!

Further, you can call me 24 / 7 on 0411 553 804 or Email me at
If I can assist you in anyway. Please feel free to reach out if you want to discuss anything or feel like a yarn!

We Stay Strong Together.

I’m open for business unusual as normal - it’s the future!

The Benefits of Magnesium



Magnesium is an essential ion to the human body, playing an instrumental role in supporting and sustaining health and life. Magnesium is involved in over 600 enzymatic reactions including energy metabolism, protein synthesis, transmission of nerve impulses and metabolism of food.

The awesome benefits:

Blood sugar control

Blood pressure control

Improves your mood

Improves sleep

Today, our soils are deleted of magnesium and other important minerals because of poor agricultural farming habits. The use of chemicals especially fluoride and chlorine in water also make magnesium less available.

Supplement with Mega Magnesium and boost your magnesium levels.

The daily use of sugar and caffeine also deplete magnesium supplies within the body. Today we live a high-stress life meaning it is likely that you are magnesium deficient.

 Here are some more awesome benefits of Magnesium:

Blood sugar control

Magnesium helps manage insulin levels in the body and can prevent blood sugar spikes and crashes from occurring.

Blood pressure control

Magnesium also plays a large role in blood pressure control, preventing high blood pressure from occurring, especially when combined with enough potassium in the diet. When combined with adequate levels of potassium it controls stress that can elevate insulin levels and improves overall blood pressure that, when out of control, increases insulin resistance and can cause type 2 diabetes to occur more easily.


Magnesium is essential for proper brain function and mood regulation. Research indicates that without enough magnesium, you are more susceptible to depression.


Low magnesium levels have been attributed to an increase in anxiety. A diet low in magnesium changes the types of bacteria present in the gut and alters anxiety-based behaviour.

Brain Power

Research has shown that mice given extra magnesium had better working memory long-term memory and a greater ability to learn. Elevating brain magnesium content via increasing magnesium intake could be a useful new strategy to enhance cognitive abilities.

Magnesium boosting foods include: Bananas, spinach, almonds, cacao, Pumpkin, sunflower, sesame, chia, hemp and flax seeds, organic coffee(black only). Please note that calcium from milk and refined sugar can interfere with magnesium absorption.


Here are a few signs that you may be magnesium deficient:

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Muscle cramps

  • High blood pressure

  • Hormone problems

  • Sleep issues

  • Low energy

  • Low vitamin D

  • Low vitamin K

Eat Like your Granny Did.

Eat like your granny did is very good advice         

Granny (think cardigans, midi skirts, pearl earrings, slides and ladylike structured bags)  Eating like your grandmother—or even better, your great-grandmother—is a long term strategy worth considering, especially if you are getting tired of getting confused about which "miracle" diet to follow and trying to make out the complicated ingredient lists on packaged foods. Try not to eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food. 

Eat real, unprocessed food. Mostly plants. Steer well clear of processed foods and man-made ingredients such as hydrolyzed vegetable proteins and oils, trans fats and other “edible food-like substances” found on today’s supermarket shelves. Another simple interpretation could be avoid eating anything out of a packet, especially those which contain numbers posing as ingredients or cryptic words you can’t pronounce. If you can't pronounce it don't eat it.

Our grandmothers had it right. I remember as a kid my great grandmother serving up a very simple and healthy meat and three veg. Gran ate a diet rich in plant-based wholefoods with generous amounts of fresh fruit, vegetables, cultured foods, nourishing broths as well as a little quality protein. She lived to the ripe old age of 100. My philosophy has always been: keep it simple, keep it fresh, buy organic and local, make it yourself and know exactly what’s in the foods you eat. Ingredients and additives such as gums, MSG, thickeners, hydrogenated oils, emulsifiers, and stabilisers should not be on the menu.
The best granny-approved wholefoods are fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables that you can get from your local grocer or farmers market. 
Keep your pantry stocked with a good quality extra virgin olive oil,  ghee, mustard, raw honey, vinegar, unprocessed sea salt, white pepper and dark rye bread.  Here is one of grannies recipes to help you detox after a holiday celebration.                                                                            

Detox Salad with Tahini dressing

Ingredients• ¼ cup red cabbage•
1 cup cooked organic chickpeas•
1 cup organic baby spinach•
1 cup mixed lettuce• 1 cup of alfalfa sprouts• ½ red capsicum• ½ lebanese cucumber•
1 bunch of brocollini• ½ cup of cooked quinoa• ½ cup grated carrot• ¼ cup sunflower seeds•
½ avocado•

I bunch of radishes thinly sliced

grated beetroot,


spring onions or other allowable foods.tahini dressing•
1 cup of unhulled tahini•
½ cup fresh lemon juice•
1 garlic clove•
Blend and add purified water until you get a runny consistency.method• Prepare ingredients and put in a mixing bowl.• Prepare the dressing and add to the ingredients, mixing the dressing through.

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