4 tips for a healthier Easter
4 tips for a healthier Easter
Easter is a tricky time of year to stay on track with your weight loss goals and fitness routine. Chocolate and hot cross buns are everywhere and as a result, many of us end up overindulging and paying for it.
The Easter Bunny doesn't have to symbolise a dietary disaster if you can follow a few easy tips.
1. It's ok to have a hot cross bun at Easter. Just go easy on them. Stop at one if you can.
Hot cross buns are usually made with white flour and refined sugars, making them less than ideal for weight loss. Use plenty of organic butter on the hot cross bun. Butter is a good fat and it also will absorb the insulin rush you get from eating the bun thus helping with insulin sensitivity Eat a meal high in quality protein and fats (eggs and bacon) before you have your hot cross bun. A high protein and fat meal tend to fill you up and you are more likely to eat less
2.Eat good quality chocolate.
If you going to eat chocolate, eat the very best.
Eating chocolate at Easter is a tradition for many and minimising the impact on your weight and health can be challenging. The key to doing this is to manage your portion sizes – try to eat small amounts, eat them very slowly and be mindful. Four squares of chocolate counts as one Indulgence.
3.Stay active and do a little bit often
Move your body regularly.
Walk after your meals if possible. 20 minutes is great.
Skipping, cycling, dancing, stretching/ yoga, doing some body weight exercises/strength exercises will keep your body moving and rev up your metabolism in the process. Just 10-15 minutes of any of these activities will really help.
4. Get yourself back on track
Setbacks and indulgences like Easter chocolates and hot cross buns will always rear their head along your journey to weight loss and better health – and that's okay.
If you have overindulged it is very important you take it easy on yourself. Punishing, self-loathing achieves nothing. Dust yourself off and get back to the principles of good nutrition. Think positive thoughts and practice forgiveness.
It's how you bounce back from these setbacks that will ultimately determine your level of success.
Happy Easter to you!