Some worldly Christmas advice from Simon to stay on track
Some worldly Christmas advice from Simon to stay on track towards your health and fitness goals over the festive season
Yes, I get it …. It is a time to celebrate. Just keep the following in mind:
Tighten your belt 2-3 days before Christmas Day then CELEBRATE for a couple of days.
On the 27 DEC tighten your belt again. Please don’t turn it into 2-week celebration
Here are 4 strategies to stay on track over the Festive season
1.Drink two large glasses of water before you go to your party or venture out. We are often just thirsty rather than hungry. Hunger and thirst can often be confused.
Most people deviate from their nutrition in moments of weakness when they are hungry.
Filling up on a bit of water will reduce your hunger enabling you to make better choices before it is too late.
2. Eat something before you drink alcohol.
Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach can cause you to go hypoglycaemic often producing significant hunger pangs and even behaviour changes making you aggressively pursue food- not ideal.
3. Pick your protein. Preferably lean protein.
Base your food choices around protein sources and whole foods (vegetables preferably green variety) because it helps with satiety. Load your plate with more vegetables and some added protein: roast turkey, pork, ham, lamb or whatever protein is offered on the day.
It is extremely hard to binge on protein compared with high starch carbohydrates (biscuits, crackers, bread, pasta) salty and savoury foods.
Have you ever heard of someone binging on a steak or lamb cutlets? It’s really hard to binge on vegetables too!
4. Chew your food until it's liquefied. Slow Down.
Put your knife and fork down.
Be mindful, slow down, really taste and savour your food. Let the mouthful of food go down and let that food register in your stomach then carry on a conversation with your loved one or relative.
Don’t pick up the knife and fork again until food is go down
I bet you will fuller sooner if you SLOW down and really taste your food.
Getting fuller soon is awesome for your waistline too. Try it. It works!